Friday, June 03, 2005

The Who, What, Where, When, Why N' How of PCB's

PCB's, what are they?
PCB's are Poly-Chlorinated Bipheyles - a toxic chemical in the form of a heavy, oily sustance that sinks to the bottom of the water. General Electric Company is the number one fan of PCB'S. They are responsable for dumping 1.3 million pounds of PCB'S into the Hudson River between the years of 1947 and 1977. General Electric Company no longer dumps PCB'S into the Hudson River, but they still have not made a little bit of effort to a least clean it up. Because of this many fish have been contaminated with the PCB's and fisherman have caught the fish and sold them to the public.

Friday, May 27, 2005

PCB's in the Hudson River

BETWEEN 1947 AND 1977, GENERAL ELECTRIC DUMPED AN ESTIIMATED 1.3 MILLION POUNDS OF POLYCHLORINAD BIPHENYLS (PCBs) INTO THE HUDSON RIVER. PCB's are now found in sediment, water and wildlife in the Hudson River ecosystem as far south as New York Harbor. The Hudson River has alot of PCB's. The public was first informed of the PCB contamination of the Hudson River in the 1970's. Humans consume PCB's through contaminated fish. PCB's were banned from the Hudson River in 1977. The amount of PCB's has stabilized at levels that are significantly higher than those considered safe for human cosumption of fish.